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oof wow this IS low res holy shit.jpeg
4287 7011
I think I have an idea for everyone here, with or without homes, to take control of their finances and/or lifestyle. /nomad/: Homeless/traveling advice, personal stories, finances, what have you. If you've seen someone talking about homeless living on this site, that's usually me. I've done it before but now I'm seeing all kinds of opportunities and fun from it since I'm not being bled dry by debt. So I think I'll share a little advice:

Can't fit everything in a car or bag/cart? Buy a storage unit; between $25 and $75 depending on quality of storage. Put anything you don't want stolen in there, lower your back seat, and sleep with your legs in the trunk. With a blanket and pillow you can get a comfortable rest, and with a simple black fabric long enough to cover your windows/windshield, you won't need to worry about the sun or onlookers. You can also get a dolly for your car, or a trailer. This can also be taken advantage of if you want somewhere to sleep other than your car, since teardrops can be under 1000 pounds (light enough for a small sedan to tow), or even as light as 500 pounds (light enough for a bike to tow).

Want clean and ironed clothes? Get a fabric dresser; I found one at the Lidl grocery store (pic related), comes with a bunch of metal rods and connectors with little fabric shelves. One piece is a hanging bar you can put ironed shirts on. It fits in the aforementioned 5x5 storage space perfectly, and fits more than two duffel-bags' worth of clothing easily and neatly with several shelves for underwear, undershirts, or what have you.

Don't want to waste money on fast food or stick to shitty canned goods just to eat and survive? A butane or propane coil-stove runs a very small fee and fits damn near anywhere; I got a collapsible stainless-steel charcoal grill that is about the size of a Swiss Army duffel-bag and has space for almost anything. It can be used to boil impurities out of water, brew tea or coffee, grill foods with a heavy patty press or a broiler basket, all kinds of stuff. You can also get a cooler and get a bag of ice each week for anything you need chilled like meat or dairy. I'm going to read Cooked: A History of Transformation to accompany my own culinary journey~

Need to keep your hygiene on point? Don't want to waste a bunch of money on baby wipes to keep your face grime-free? Get a gym membership. At $10 a month, Planet Fitness' base membership lets you hang around one specific PF location with showers, sinks with mirrors for shaving at, and of course all the goodies you'd want at a gym. Upgrade said membership for I think $12 extra and you can also get access to a damn sauna, on top of being able to go to any PF you want, ideal for traveling while remaining fit (and in my case, getting cardio in without a sunburn).

Need a residential address, not just a mailing address/PO box? Go to the Salvation Army in your area; many of them offer amenities such as a temporary residential address/forwarding address, and if you ask, they can even set you up with an address not outwardly affiliated with them, so prospective employers don't think you're living in a shelter and may be more likely to hire you.

I gotta tell ya, guys, going homeless (intentionally and not just out of desperation) was the best decision I've ever made in my life. Ever.
17 replies and 5 files omitted.
Might as well fuck off if you got nothing meaningful to say.
>post your face on an imageboard
Friend. I said to put a NAME to the face.
You're still a faggot. As are the rest of you.
I wish you the best fren. I wish I could help, but I'm still trying to help myself at the moment. Godspeed, even if you might not be a believer.
I'm not. Thanks for nothing.
Saw this, and figured I'd drop some things to be careful about -if- you decide to go nomad, boondock, or other living-travel stuff.

This vid is mostly for RVers, but it's a good resource for anyone living in their car too.

PF is a cheap membership, but they also have EXTREMELY predatory cancelling schemes. They basically tie you up in hoops and ropes to jump through just to get free of them, and hope that you would rather be stuck with a forever-debt that you'd never want to quit. If you use it and need it, that's fine, but beware of the cancellation fee.

To add onto gym memberships, if you have insurance that allows you to get Silver Sneakers, Most gyms that have Silver sneakers are basically free (aside from all other costs other than membership). If you're lucky, the gyms that have Silver Sneakers could be even better than PF ever will be.

Driving bigger vehicles means bigger problems. Skoolies and step-trucks require specialized mechanics and parts, and shit can get STUPID expensive FAST. The Department of Transportation (for US citizens) routinely stops step-trucks and other for inspections. You'd probably have to put "PRIVATE VEHICLE, NOT FOR HIRE" on your step-truck if you use one. But then again, this thread is more for the frugal lifestyle.

The Bureau of Land Management and National Forest Service has places that you can camp for free at (usually up to a week or two at most), as do some Rest Areas and stores allow free overnight parking. HOWEVER. the quality, safety, and actually-free-price of the areas can be wildly-inconsistent. Not all BLM or NFS places completely free, and most of the time, there are ZERO amenities there, as in, you're out on your own in the middle of nowhere.

Even then with other costs, paid-for campgrounds can be cheaper to stay than a hotel, even if the booking requirements are far steeper. Camping in winter is easier to reserve, but they need to be open in the first place, and more often than not, quite a few campgrounds aren't open in the winter.

Need to stay warm? Is there snow on the ground and it's cold as fuck outside? Get a heavy sleeping bag and one or more wool blankets 100% wool if possible, but otherwise get what you can. You might be able to find 100% wool at jo-ann fabrics, hobby lobby, or other craft stores with sewing as the mainstay.

If you need to buy stuff online and have it shipped to you, get a PO box at a post office. This will minimize the problem of Porch Pirates too.

If you're gonna spend a lot of money on anything, splurge on boots for your feet and tires for your car. research boot brands and nerd the fuck out on them to find the good shit. a good pair of boots that is well-maintained will last you a long time, and a good pair of tires will keep you safer on the road.

IF you're bored and need a constructive and time-consuming hobby, I recommend crocheting or knitting. The crafts take a long time, but you can make some nice and cozy shit with it. You could even create a waterproof sleeping mat out of cut-up-grocery store bags too.

Plastic bag yard sleeping mat.

Plastic bag cord - This is if you want to twine your plastic yarn, make it stronger and quieter. The previous vid's plastic is -noisy-.
I've been considering just getting a truck camper and living in it for a while. Rent has gotten fucking ridiculous.

How far up this hierarchy of needs pyramid are you currently?
7336 7337
Jewish pyramid
Well, damn. Was going to try rebut this, but...
Good point, although I feel that if sex weren't a physiological need but instead a social/psychological need that would put it even higher on the pyramid.
It's arguable that people don't actually need sex, but it's still in the same category as the rest of the lizard-brain physiological impulses (eating, breathing, pooping, shelter, etc).
Screenshot_2023-05-09 Why 30 I'm going to turn 28 soon, which made think about the fact that I'm two years away from wizard[...].png
Hah! Nice try Maslow, but you'll never have my wizard powers.
>not using the toilet
Indian detected.

Resolutions for 2020 and beyond
Happy New Year /ub/. We all know New Years' resolutions are a popular way that people try to effect positive changes in their life. This board is all about that, so tell me, what are your resolutions for 2020 and beyond? It is even the start of a new decade (depending on who you ask), so all the more reason to view today as the start of a new chapter in your life.

Here are mine:
>NoFap 2020
My best streak last year was 29 days and it was doing me a great good. At the very least I need to go 90 days this time around.
>Limit internet usage
I have blocked most time-wasting websites for most hours of the day. That includes 4chan, after all nothing useful happens there anymore.
>No background music when working at the computer
It's either distracting or I don't notice it's there, so why even bother? I can focus better in silence anyway.
>Read more
Despite taking the redpill I have yet to read any of the suggested literature to form an intellectual foundation. Three days a week, one hour a day, should be easy right?
>Go to church
I am not religious by nature but it seems like the best time to find a family-oriented young woman would be Sundays.

I think that to increase the odds of success you should make multiple resolutions and make effort on all of them. Hopefully at least one will stick. I was able to keep one resolution from 2019 (lifting) which has already improved my life significantly. So let's hear them, /ub/.
6 replies and 3 files omitted.
Dunno why but I thought about how we skipped Feb 29 this year which reminded me of my last post here Leap Day last year. Neat to see some new activity.

2020 retrospective: 1/5.

>NoFap 2020
Never exceeded 47 days.
>Limit internet usage
>No background music.
Turned out okay, mostly. But I started up with this again six weeks or so ago so almost shouldn't cont.
>Read more
I reread LOTR. Still not good with this.
>Go to church

For 2021 (here on) I'll try the first 4 again, and substitute church with financial planning. I've had some luck and crypto's been good lately so no excuse to not start building a capital base and passive income. Also for NoFap I'm on Day 22, though in a moment of weakness I browsed porn 2 days ago. Turned away but killed more of my day than I want to admit.

Still lifting. The habit is now a mental pillar of mine. Never giving it up.

>if trad qt christian waifus and based christian bros still exist they don't use those big sites. X for this.
Damn and my parents want me to join Christian Mingle too.

Remind yourself that it's just that, fear. The sensation is fleeting anyway.
I have gotten over the fear of missing out on new food. Eating a consistebtly healthy diet is comforting and pure.
Does anyone even make New Year's resolutions anymore? I know of no one that even made mention it this year.
Anyway I need to be more organized in my life. Bought a record book to start an achievement diary to record what I did each day to help stick with it.
not really, or at least I don't make any resolutions. In general I'm way too busy to make a resolution that would hamper future issues that need to get fixed/made/addressed should I be strict about following the resolution.
Normally I'll just review what needs to be done for the year and have a small mental list that I work on as time marches forward. Generic things like "replace the old plumbing, fix car, do things to help keep food around when the economy dies..." most things on the list are such large projects that to do all of it all at once would be a month or more only working on that, but I still need to go to work for cheap jewbucks.
So stuff gets done as I can get to it.

At this point in time, taxes made being a specialist unsustainable. I can't work my highly skilled occupation (outside of union or government) enough to pay for somebody else to do all the things I need to get done.
I know it's a christmas tradition for me to post here but I'd rather not. Then again, fuck it.

My life is going good. I tried talking to my little sister, but my parents groomed and brainwashed her, she's still hating me because they told her to and refusing to talk to me about it. No change there, she's still gone. Choosing to be my parents daughter, not my sister. I don't resent who she chooses to be but I wish she didn't resent me for being hated by abusive groomers. I have a woman and I like this woman. I finally know what it's like to have a genuinely positive relationship with a woman. I thought I did once or twice before but looking back I was just in denial about how she treated me and how little I knew about relationships. Now I definitely have a good relationship with a woman. We read books. Her taste in literature isn't the same as mine but it's still valid. If I was an insecure child I think I'd try to find an excuse to dislike it. Looking back I regret calling my roommates gay retards, they're cool now and they've been cool for a while. Except for the guy who got himself arrested for something retarded, he got replaced with a different cool roommate. It's fucked up that I posted here ranting about that Chatoyance douchebag whenever he pissed me off when we talked. I wasn't trying to get anything to use against him, I just wanted to befriend the guy even though his irrationality and casual hatred of my race pissed me off so much. That wasn't a healthy foundation for a friendship. What was I thinking? Did I really expect a moment where he said "wow for a white human you're really non evil, maybe I misjudged your species and should stop drinking libtard koolaid and playing damage control for epstein island aristocratic jews"? I didn't consciously expect it, I just wanted to see where it would go, but now that it went to a gay retarded place it feels pointless in retrospect. The bitter boomer hates all white men and embraces libtard's toxic conceptualization of femininity and fanatical materialism and escapist pseudointellectual "transhumanism" because he failed to grow into a genuinely good man and by the standards of western masculinity he is not a genuinely good man, his parents and upbringing can be blamed for this, he resents his father and views him as the devil, the representation of le toxic masculinity, and it's retarded. My mother and father were pieces of shit too and I don't hate all white people over it. My own mother raped me when I was a boy and I don't hate all women over it. Tragic that modern therapy doesn't view Chatoyance as somebody who needs help to become sane and should get some help. Still fucked up that when he found out about this place he posted private messages from our conversation on his page then deleted it later after his friends laughed over the gay shit I said in private messages. That's fucked up. I didn't post anything here he hadn't shared publically already. I'll never know what he considered worth reposting from our conversation and I don't care. Fuck that guy and fuck trying to hide parts of yourself to befriend people who want you dead. Leftists want whites dead or conquered. That won't change. There is no reasoning with them. If reasoning with them worked the 2010s era Gamergaters would have successfully debated all feminists into seeing the light. I've met some overly online people and my new year's resolution is to avoid repeating their mistakes. And also finish my work on some of the games I'm passionate about making. That's important too. So far my break from being so online is going good. I'll let you all know how it's going if I feel like coming here next year.
new year.jpg
>Resolutions for 2020 and beyond
2024 and beyond.

Bible Study Thread
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IIT we discuss and study the Bible. I will be using the King James Version and will take the stance of a fundamental literalist, which is a bit redundant, but these days there exist many that claim to be fundamental but reject the literal interpretation of Scripture when they encounter something they don't agree or understand. I am not a Bible scholar, I'm not a pastor, I don't currently attend any denomination's church service. I'm just an anon that really like to study the Bible. Feel free to argue with me, I could be completely wrong and I hope to learn more about the Bible along the way.

I will post below my first study topic and what I have researched about it. Hopefully it will be interesting and somewhat engaging.
560 replies and 213 files omitted.
Business Dog
7311 7312 7314
Oh man, looking at it more closely - what a great thread! I'll be going through everything in detail and asking some questions later.

For now though, there's something I hope to get help with:
An old friend of mine (we had drifted apart over the years) had "retreated into his shell" when I sent him a letter with well-sourced warnings/articles about the injection, just before they became available. To be honest, despite "meaning well" there was arrogance on my part at simply "expecting" him to process that information and make the choice I thought he'd make - my arrogance was partly fueled by my own waves of feeling intimidated on occasion and still refusing to fully confront the whole reality of such serious events beyond my control. (Standing strong in the face of accelerating end times events is quite a challenge.)
In hindsight, this may have even contributed towards his decision to get it (which he did), possibly due to him becoming even more "intimidated" by the scale of evil around him - not being able to "handle" some very confronting facts. He broke off all contact with me, and had become the most broken and inwardly-hurting man I had ever seen (although apparently this was going on for years before, possibly exacerbated by some persistent bad human elements/relations in his life that he wouldn't address). His inner pain and suffering is getting stronger and it's starting to manifest as serious physical ailments/diseases that could lead to his death soon.
TL;DR: He embraces and believes "in the Matrix", and is bound/married to it. Perhaps he even wants to die, but has a crippling fear of dying.

I don't want to repeat the same mistake when approaching him again regarding Christianity - he's a member of a church that teaches "judeo-christian" feel-good BS and it's part of his "shell" that he's built around himself.
I was going to send him a heartfelt and apologetic letter, retracting my arrogance and explaining my feelings with humbleness. Also included with the letter would be burned CDs of some selected sermons by Pastor Marrs from Bible Home Church, where he talks about finding freedom and relief from fear.

My friend has so much fear and intimidation inside of him, I don't think he's saved, but who am I to just blurt it out to him or disrupt his shell that he clings on to so much - he has his own life, and judging by outward appearances it's a good one.
We've both been through a lot and I don't want him to suffer, but despite further introspection still don't feel "qualified" to assist him - especially since I'm still "suffering/injured" in various ways myself and not the shining hero-example that a small part of him still appears to be looking for. In addition, his character-type moves towards his abusers (and still suffers/digs-up from events decades ago, and looks to peers/the-crowd for validation/judgement), my character-type moves away from abusers (and remains independent), but we both "glance behind us" at times and in most ways we're very "far apart" now.

TL;DR: Do you have experience in reaching out to someone like that, or know of some Bible passages or sermons or pastors (or maybe "heroes") that can help my suffering friend? If not, no pressure - I'll default to my own idea.
Unfortunately, I have no experience of success in reaching others. I don't really have the charisma that is required to get people to listen and consider application. I can share what I know about the Bible though.

People that are consumed by fear are in a struggling relationship with God, if not devoid of the relationship altogether.

Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.

1 John 4:18-21
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
19We love him, because he first loved us.
20If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
21And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

The desire to fit in with the world in fear of losing something valuable is natural, as it strikes the hearts of the prophets as well. Elijah was gifted with miracles to present to the people that had abandoned God.

1 Kings 18:36-39
And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.
37Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the LORD God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.
38Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.
39And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God.

Yet, after this display, the king of Israel was mad that he disproved his favorite false god of Baal, as his wife was pagan. The wife demanded the head of Elijah for crimes against the gods and so he ran.

1 Kings 19:9-15
And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there; and, behold, the word of the LORD came to him, and he said unto him, What doest thou here, Elijah?
10And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.
11And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:
12And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
13And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?
14And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.
15And the LORD said unto him, Go, return on thy way to the wilderness of Damascus: and when thou comest, anoint Hazael to be king over Syria:

This shows that Elijah fell into a depression, wishing that he could just fit in. He states to God that he is the only one left that makes any sense. Even after seeing the power of God and figuring out the meaning behind the display, he simply returned to his statement to God.

The meaning is that God is not found in the expected places, but in what appears to be weak, unlikely, and not desired. Elijah wanted the support of others, which is natural, and distressed over the lack of human support, despite having the support of God. God then answers this by having him go on another mission, during which he would meet Elisha, who would be his companion and support him in trouble, eventually taking his place as prophet.

Why do I mention this? I think this might help in a couple different ways. First, the expected answer that you will get is dismissal, as even God was dismissed by a prophet in fear and depression. Second, being the Elisha in the story, being an aid to the person in question, would be a great benefit, even when the person is resisting all aid. Third, sometimes people will never change, even in the face of irrefutable proof that fear is not the response to have in the face of opposition. Elijah was proven that God controlled the universe and no person could realistically oppose him, but he still felt powerless and alone.

Ultimately, the way to reach out is to reinforce companionship and to go over the Bible with him.
Being part of a church already can be a dangerous thing in this era, as it can lead to one of two thoughts where the person can either believe himself already knowledgeable about the text and has already applied the lessons, or believes the Bible to be something akin to a community gathering point with a book reading. Especially in the churches that express modern values and interpretations that deviate from the obvious meaning being expressed. In either case, I would prepare for a resistance to the content of the Bible.

The matrix belief I assume is the belief that the world is a simulation? Or perhaps it is the belief that the world is an illusion and the reality lies behind what can be see? Though an element of this is the truth, as the world is not the totality of existence.

2 Corinthians 4:18
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

1 John 4:20
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

But the world is very much real, as God created man in it, bothers to fight for it, and will make another earth.

Revelation 20:4-6
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
5But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
6Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Revelation 21:1-5
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
2And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
3And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
4And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
5And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

>who am I to blurt it out to him
God can do this for you. The response to the Bible reveals the truth and someone that is saved will grow in the fruit of the Spirit, as he desires to grow closer to God. He won't be perfect, but he will respect the Bible.

Asking if he is ok lately and if he would like to hear the comforting words that you read in the Bible might be a good way to introduce the Bible into the equation, which will reveal where his heart is. Again, I have as of yet not had success with my methods, so perhaps they are not the greatest to restore friendship and bringing someone to Christ, but it is the best I can provide.

James 5:19-20
Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;
20Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
Business Dog
Thank you, for some reason I hadn't yet come across Elijah and Elisha, and will definitely refer to those verses in the letter to my friend.
The NIV church that he and his family visit is one that seems to operate on my friend's terms rather than God's, and it'll likely be one of his "security blankets" that I should be careful to not pull away, but rather let him slowly remove himself and on his own terms when introducing the more Biblically-accurate alternatives.
>The matrix belief I assume is the belief that the world is a simulation? Or perhaps it is the belief that the world is an illusion and the reality lies behind what can be see?
Yes, pretty much but also and more malevolently it's a simulated reality/existence/trap created by parasitic entities, and this artificial reality has limits to it that never exceed those of which the person living inside the artificial reality can handle.
(Personally, I believe that satan and his synagogue-of-satan/etc. minions are trying everything to counterfeit and replace God, using technology, psychology, pharmacology, electromagnetic radiation, media, fake religions/scripture/cults/culture, illness, addictions, alterations to the environment etc. - creating a type of world inside a world, which only they control - though I don't yet fully know how well supported this belief is Biblically.
I do know that satan is currently allowed to be god of this world, but I suppose even that will have its limits of what satan is allowed to do; a set of limits which can be removed by absorbing people into another world, a world only controlled by satan and precursor to hell when the body finally dies. For example, our true-world still has actual Christians passing through it, with the power to make real-world changes, whereas other people will need to specifically turn completely away from God's protection before being able to fully take part inside this fake-world being constructed. We can see fake-worlds inside communist regimes, but advances in and adoption of technology will make this fake-world seem perfectly normal and thus inescapable.)

My friend apparently cannot handle the newfound unknown harshness and dangers of the world that exists outside of the old and known harshness and dangers within the world/matrix that he's inside of. That's why I regret being so "arrogant" in assuming he'd simply see the deeper and even more disturbing reality behind a subject - assuming he'd move away from the dangers that he knows he can handle, rather than bringing them even closer to him, like he has. However, I don't actually know if my letter to him had that effect - for some reason, it feels like he had already made up his mind years before. The Corinthians verse sounds very suitable for his situation, because judging by his letter to me he's strongly holding on to what he can see, while at the same time trying to escape from it.

Thank you for taking time to read through my lengthy outpourings of thoughts and answering them. I've been pretty emotional lately due to recent deaths and illnesses of loved ones, and am myself feeling pretty weak and ineffective right now.

Gently quoting the real Jesus Christ (not the feel-good honey-coated censored NIV/etc.-type counterfeits) and Him being the ultimate authority, rather than satan (or satan's works), would be a positive non-confrontational approach for someone as hurting as my friend.

My thoughts on charisma: satan has boundless charisma (when it suits him), but only God has/is the truth. "One word of truth outweighs the world." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
I just need to speak from the heart, without traces of my own worries or intimidation like in my last letter.
Thank you, again.
Did you bring it to God?
Did you ask?
Did you wait and listen to what He says?
Business Dog
Vital questions, and yes to all. I got the answer months ago, but have been too intimidated to go through with it and instead have spent most of my spare time and thoughts preparing, because I'm doubting my own abilities to handle such a serious situation properly after failing to save another dear friend of mine during a critical time - I was doing much better before that had happened.
That's why I was so open on here - in a way to gather the last bit of courage and get my shit together, but also add some final outside positive influence into the mix. Getting an answer and not going through with it is enough of a crime already, but now there are Earthly witnesses too. No more delays now.

It's time
295 308 309 332 336 359 361 447 475 767 955 975 1313 1485 1600 2140 5983
When you see this thread, do five push ups.
if busy do ten later
290 replies and 91 files omitted.

And if busy, do 40 later!
File (hide): 919FA385CA0DC959F8BF65FA6C835CCA-1768662.mp4 (1.7 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:29, pushups.mp4) [play once] [loop]

It's that time again.
I should work out a workout routine

==Stop Maturbating==
5461 6583 7154
Masturbation is degenerate. It's highly addictive, frequently develops into a compulsion, and causes dysfunction amongst those who practice it.
ITT we discuss what the effects of masturbation are, from a physiological, mental, and shall we say metaphysical standpoint.
Spoiler alert, it's not good nor pretty. However, while we're busy going on about how abortion is conclusively reprehensible, it is also important to be honest with ourselves about the nature of behaviors which we perpetuate.
Im not advocating for immediate and unyielding puritanism, but that doesnt mean we can't make progress, and Imo that progress begins with an honest conversation.
So grab your meat and lets break down why you shouldn't.

For the record, Im doing this OP from memory, and Ill be refuting supporting the thesis in subsequent posts with citations.
I posit and maintain the following:
Abortion is immoral and inconscionable, at the female level of reproduction.
Masturbation is immoral and inconscionable, at the male level of reproduction.

I am NOT equating masturbation to abortion, they are quite apart in terms of severity. However, I posit and maintain that from the operant perspective of the male, it is consequentially comparable.
The Masculine responsibility in reproduction is obvious, to inseminate the female.
The Feminine responsibility in reproduction is to receive and 'process' the semen, through her very complicated systems.
Abortion is the abdication of the Female responsibility, of processing the child to term.
Masturbation then, is the abdication of the Masculine responsibility to inseminate the female.

>men produce millions of sperm
Irrelevant. Sperm have a specific purpose; deprived of that purpose causes degradation of the individual. Sperm die for a variety of reasons. Inside the man, if not ejaculated they will die quite naturally and be reabsorbed and made into new sperm cells. Obviously, thats not what happens when one jizzes in whatever their cleanup method of choice is. At the risk of sounding cheeky, it would be like sending a military squad to an uninhabited island with no resources and telling them to stay until they had performed their essential function.
Same goes for fuccbois who bang lots of whores, condom/pull-out game or not.
Obviously, there are no immediate obstacles to masturbating or being a whore of whichever sex, other than what is socially imposed; one is entitled to do what they will.
My hope is with a bit of exposition, perhaps (you) will consider taking - and leaving - the dick out of your hand.
It's NOT easy, but it does get easier over time, and more than anything the thought of not masturbating was far worse than the act.
This isnt about NoFap or any trends or challenges or wtfe else, this is about becoming a more formidable person gradually, day by day.
Gratuitous No Homo
13 replies and 5 files omitted.
>he wants to have literal hooves instead of having hands to pet mares
Begone troon >>>/ptfg/
7159 7263
You know we are all fillies here, right?
.... No comment.
Real fillies.
Post snoot for proof

1145 1171 1172 1873 5888
Hey Anon!
What have you done for your fitness today?
Are you kidding me!?
You're gonna start a journal starting today with things you did to get fit! Running, lifting, climbing, fighting or whatever but if there is even ONE day without at least a walk or stretching I will kick you so hard you'll feel like a pegasus!
Get to work rookie!
24 replies and 7 files omitted.
do you even lift.png

6546 7198
For a moment I thought this was a guide for which body parts to attack with each tool.
Silly poner.
BRUCE LEE68904_n.jpg

head quiet g-1.jpg

You were correct the first time, except for the rake, that's used to remove leaves, and the limb cutter should be used on wrists or large tendons.

Girls girls grills
1567 1572 2503 2504 4564 4565 7067
First off, I want to say thank you /ub/ for all the encouragement you gave me in my last post. I'd link that shit but I'm a newfag. It was Sixth Sense. I've gotten better I'm only fapping once every 3 days instead of twice every day. I feel like a new man! So thanks guys!

But on the more pressing matters, I had a small fling with this chubby girl nothing serious I've never had sex with her anything. I like her but I like her as a friend. Nothing more. I've been wanting to work up the courage to try and find an actual girlfriend for myself, the very least make a new friend. When I was at the store, there was this girl I was smoking a cigarette and she recognized me from high school. She told me that when she first moved down here I had talked with her kind of helped her open up and get to know people and she thanked me for it. I was kind of embarrassed and caught on the spot and general autism kicked in cuz I couldn't remember her and I'm not good with talking with people especially girls. The more I thought about it, I'd like to get to know her. I don't know if she has a boyfriend girlfriend or whatever the fuck people have nowadays. I just know I kind of have a crush on the girl and wanted to know if any of you could you know help me again?
31 replies and 12 files omitted.
6846 6850
Not only does money make you the potential target of gold diggers, but the vast majority of what makes a man rich in the modern world is industry connections and rich family. The few who actually innovate aren't exactly known for being well adjusted or mentally-fit people either; naming Hollyweird people like Johnny Depp and Ben Affleck only makes that clearer.
The obvious "secret method" he alludes to, is to select for better people to be around, and not spend your time idolizing the concept of women and chomp at the bit to get shacked. You have to actually know, intuitively understand, respect and love your wife if you want a marriage to last. I can say as the kid of divorced parents, there was no love and neither of them really respected one another. One wanted to change the other like the obnoxious evangelical she was, and the other just wanted someone to clean the house and the occasional fuckbuddy as a status symbol as he kept up with the Joneses with his fancy cars and watches. That's not love.
And speaking of respect, this idea that anyone who "defends women" -- i.e. tells men that they're encouraging bad behavior, picking bad partners, and generally being children -- is just a simp who deserves no respect or honest discussion is unhelpful in the extreme. People like Anglin will die alone shouting at the clouds, and they want you to be lonely and angry too, so you can be one of the cool kids who hates women just like the faggots do. Frankly it's disgusting.
>Only thing is, money actually makes it harder for you to score a worthwhile relationship. You're obviously going to attract gold-diggers.
This is only really true if you're ultra-rich. If you're middle class you'll attract normal women in your class.
It is true what women instinctively prefer men that can provide for them in addition to being able to support families with decent lifestyles. Being extremely rich might attract vampires who only want you for your money, but being moderately middle class is fine. You'll have better luck forming a relationship with a woman if you can convince her that if she married you she'll have a roof over her head and her children will be able to eat, so you're better off than being flat broke.
I concur. But I got nothing to add. Perhaps that am getting used to the pendulum swings. As tiresome as they may be.
ID changed too. I'm the same anon as >>6844
>Girls girls grills
Related. And how looks matter a lot.

When a poner is in trouble
I was thinking hard how to help a poner within the limits of an imageboard.
To begin with, to reach in person is out of the question as we are all anons. Then considerations about character comes to the foreground as potentially high risk.
So what is left is to try to reach his mind in order for him to see different avenues, or possibilities.
Then the question is... how to unblock him without to enrage him or increase his resistance to change?
This poner has lost faith on himself and even Friendship. Also it looks like he is godless and unable the draw power from it. It won't be easy.
21 replies and 13 files omitted.
I don't want to sound paranoid or make you the same, but you may want to be certain that your parents don't know where you are applying to. It is a bit odd that they did a 180 and supported you working. No compromise? That isn't impossible, but I would not rule out sabotage. I doubt the reason you have gotten no response is due to sabotage as I have been struggling to get any sort of interview as well, but it is best not to tempt fate.

Do not give them the chance to make you think you are going to get a job and they will just call a company and say to not hire you to keep you around the house. Even if you believe this is not like them to do, don't let it be on the table seeing as they were insane enough to hold the position of you need to pay and not work in the first place.
I'm not going to count on it being a problem. Right now, it would require glownigger-levels of cloak-and-dagger espionage from them (really, my mom) to get away with it without me noticing. I was at my previous job for about four and a half years without any major incidents aside from the occasional 'muh sabbath' hissy fit if I had to work Saturdays. I would be more worried about the possibility of third-party organizations doing that shit to me, but I have no way to verify if it's true or how to stop it if so.

My mom will, however, run interference by way of many absurd stipulations regarding what kind of job I should take (can't work nights or weekends, can't be anywhere in the county, can't be a lot of manual labor or use of power tools, has to be her idea, etc.). So my primary quest right now seems to be figuring out how to get a car so I can do shit on my own without involving her, and I'm totally on my own with that. She is chaos incarnate and if I involve her in anything, she will needlessly complicate it.
>he also misses what this site used to be?
What does that even mean
>Teaching people to weather the storm used to be the purpose of this board.
If I remember correctly, the purpose of this board was to post pony pussy and let the /pol/fags talk their politics cause that drove away immature people (reddit, tumblr, etc).
Now, I remember a few ideas and projects took place, like that one project about printing 'redpill stickers' and shit like that, but, I don't think this site has ever had a 'greater purpose', Anon.

You're giving an imageboard way too much importance and agency over your life.
I would honestly argue, anyone that gives this board this much importance should learn to live without the internet for at least a year.
The modern internet is bad for you. mlpol might be the least harmful of the devils out there since it is so slow and most posters are smart for internet standards, but it can too become your doom, if you get obsessed.

And about the world and all that, you're not going to change the world within your lifetime, Anon. Especially not with such anxiety, fear and urgency within yourself.
I would advise you to be more stoic about it, you sound like a traumatized little girl, and traumatized little girls do not change the world; They pee themselves and cry.
>Speaking of things being done. The homelessness begins tomorrow. I told dad as much. I did not argue or raise my voice, I simply told him my plan. After I told him I am going to bed to prepare for the remainder of my packing, he tried for ten minutes to break down my door. I repeatedly told him I want to sleep, and he started screaming and swearing while I stay in bed. It is past midnight. I am sleeping with a tower fan to use as a battering ram if he successfully kicks the door down. This is the man who I've put up with since I was born. And people like him are everywhere, you being the prime example. Kill yourself, and take a few kikes with you on the way to Hell. That way your absence makes room for a better anon who actually gives a shit about things that aren't gacha games with 9000 year old naked vampire lolis. You piece of shit.
I guess now I understand why is it that you sound so anxious.
I might not know your age but, mentally, you are still an adolescent.
>You're giving an imageboard way too much importance and agency over your life.
>I would honestly argue, anyone that gives this board this much importance should learn to live without the internet for at least a year.
>The modern internet is bad for you. mlpol might be the least harmful of the devils out there since it is so slow and most posters are smart for internet standards, but it can too become your doom, if you get obsessed.
Pretty much this. Although shitting on him wasn't necessary, I'm not one to talk.
>shitting on him wasn't necessary
Sorry about that, some things just get me a tad heated, because I see the reflection of a younger, dumber me in said words.
I need to work on that.

Post In This Thread Every Time You Visit /ub/
One of these threads
45 replies and 36 files omitted.
Waifu you mean.
What's the difference?
You should know.
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Quit CHOOSING Easy.mp4
women - anti-men.jpeg
Wanna stop male loneliness?
Tell them the truth rather than lies. For the most part, we have generations of fatherless boys who cannot find ways to turn to men.
Either sex, or religion, or drugs, they try to navigate an extremely hostile environment and it’s no wonder they escape to things like that.
No one asks the question what are these men escaping from?

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